Category: Blog

  • The Bottomless Beast Finale



    On the edge of the ruins’ rim laid the body of Goor the Undubbed, half-dead. Following a hellish climb up the slopes surrounding the massive crater where castles and towers used to occupy, reduced thusly to memories without owners, the battered locksmith could only collapse and allow the dearth of energy to accommodate his rest…

  • The Bottomless Beast Pt. 5



    Alone, Goor the Undubbed thought, alone again. He did not stay in the ruins and he did not ascend to meet with the conjurer. He returned to his tripede and began to make his way home. On multiple occasions, he slipped off his mount and landed on his face. He struggled many times to get…

  • The Bottomless Beast Pt.4



    The last iron-clad knave stood atop a pile of his own rotting brethren before he was beckoned to join them with a swift persuasion of an arrow, its tip crimson-soaked. Passing along the drenched fields, bridging one forgettable land to the next, Goor the Gilded was heralded onward by a palanquin of his own design,…

  • The Bottomless Beast Pt.3



    After he woke, Goor the Undubbed joined the conjurer at his locked door. After coaxing the second bag of gold out of his client’s thigh, Goor proceeded to keep his rune wrapped around the door handle. This time, he stood silently for much longer than fifteen minutes, occasionally pretending to grunt and struggle with jiggling…

  • The Bottomless Beast Pt.2



    In a windowless tavern, Goor the Undubbed sat by himself on a stool with uneven legs, his sack of gold tied tightly to his wrist as he drank. Sweet honey lingered on his tongue, followed by a residual taste of rust, all a result of metal comprising the majority of his innards. No matter what…

  • The Bottomless Beast Pt.1



    In a nameless age, sometime after the birth of the first water molecule, wedged between civilizations of unspecified lineages, Goor the Undubbed journeyed westward. He was to meet his client before the sun touched the horizon’s rim. His client was a secluded specimen, a reputable man of grace and regality, and said to be a…